Thursday 4 April 2013

40 random habits:

For some reason I have a habit of posting long lists... (This is going to be a looong list!) :

  1. Making lists. (Hahaha. I can compare)
  2. Eat the bread crust first. Then eat the bread.
  3. Pull a scrunched up face when concentrating really hard.
  4. Only talk using words with 5 letters.
  5. Bite people when bored.
  6. Nail biting. (All time classic!)
  7. Not throwing ANYTHING away.
  8. Deleting an email as soon as you read it and replied. Inbox MUST always be empty!
  9.  Xylophagia = Eating wood. (Eating wood. I'm a pencil chewer but I've never eaten a pencil!)
  10. Pica = Eating something that is NOT a food! (As in the one above.)
  11. Always being on the spot on time. Not a minute too early or a minute too late.
  12. Slouching
  13.  The bed HAS to be made before going to sleep. Even if it was messy all day.
  14. Read 3 or more books at a time. 
  15. Leaving the best for last.
  16. Don;'t like typing on the bottom of a page. (or writing)
  17. Everything has a PLACE! So keep it there!
  18. Like a song? Listen to it till you memorize the words!
  19. Like the smell of dusty towels.
  20. Every time you see a electric keyboard you just HAVE to try it out!
  21. Finishing other people's sentences!
  22. Unable to study/concentrate without background noise. Silence is VERY distracting.
  23. Talking to yourself.
  24. Talk way too much
  25. Repeating everything you say.
  26. Repeating everything you say.
  27. Chewing with mouth open.
  28. Asking someone if you can ask them a question.
  29. Chewing gum loudly
  30. Writing in the air.
  31. Cracking your fingers.
  32. Talking with a mouth full of food.
  33. Randomly shout "Corn Flakes!" in the middle of a sentence. Then say you didn't.
  34. Saying: "Just kidding!" when you're not really kidding.
  35. Organizing skittles according to color. Eating them according to amount. 
  36. Randomly laughing.
  37. Watching the way people walk.
  38. Crossing arms behind your back instead of in front. 
  39. Wearing unmatched socks. 
  40. Checking emails every 20 minutes.
Well that was hard. Hopefully it's not too boring! :)
LOL Noisy Nadia ( < Saying that at the end of each blog is my habit.)

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