Friday, 28 June 2013

5 things I learned from owning a dog. (So far)

I probably only had the privilege to look after our little dachshund puppy for about 2  weeks. But I feel I already learned some things from the experience. (And plenty more things are going to be learned in the years to come.) So I made a little list:

1.  Watch your step! (Yup. The most important lesson of them all!)

2. Leave nothing to chance! (If the dog starts sniffing around. You have to run for it!)

3. Make sacrifices (Nothing like a day out of the house. But for the first few weeks of owning a puppy, you would have to sacrifice a little "out of the house" time.)  :(

4. Pick up your feet, when sitting down. (If there's one thing you don't want is chewed up shoes, as well as toes.)

5. Also watch where you sit. (There's nothing worse than sitting on your own pet. I mean they trusted you!)

Well. I know that was short. But it's all I could come up with for right now (Did I mention how puppies never seem to tire?) ... Keep checking the blog for more updates! (And don't think I'm saying this with a very serio
us face.)

Well. It also rained a lot since it's monsoon... so I have a joke:

First person: "It's raining cats and dogs!"
Second person: "I know. I just stepped in a poodle!"

Noisy Nadia

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Wacky day! My fourth story in the series!

I'm so sorry! I know it's been a while... And yes. It's another story. Lets just read it shall we? The image? A chocolate keyboard! You know because I'm a writer? Get it? Oh never mind.

Wacky day!

When I woke up this morning I could tell, it was going to be a wacky day! How did I know? There were two signs (the first being the most obvious); my entire room was covered from top to bottom, left to right, three hundred and sixty degrees around in…  chocolate smears. The second sign was of course… my little brother leaning over me, with a big grin plastered all over his face, and the slight hint of chocolaty breath. (No surprise there.) Now a normal person’s reaction might be: “Aaaak! What did you do to my room! Get out! Get out!” But I wouldn’t do that, since I'm NOT a normal person
My first reaction was of course to stick out a finger and lick some chocolate off it. Then I realized that now I might have to clean up all of the chocolate. So I was like: “Yay! Chocolate all over! Chocolate all over!” and I danced around on tippy toes. Of course who else would come in at that moments but my mom. Her reaction as you can imagine (What is with all the reactions in this story?) was: “What. Did. You. Do?!”
 She had no mercy as I tried to explain this situation to her… it didn't end well. But how lucky could I get? I mean the walls could have been covered in something else… 
You must be wondering; "What happened to your brother?” Well let me just say he ran and hid somewhere no one would ever find him. Ever. Again.

So by the time I had the whole mess cleaned up (And my face covered in chocolaty goodness.) it was around 2:30 in the afternoon. Some people might have been taking a nap or reading a book then. But not me!  I noticed it was nice outside and decided to take a walk in the garden. I was walking very peacefully on the lawn when, “BOOM!” I heard a deafening clap of thunder and saw a huge bolt of lightning zigzagging across the sky! Then, (you guessed right) it started raining. The rain didn't start like it normally would, not a little drizzle that slowly built up. It was more like- “SLOSH!” and suddenly it’s pouring down so hard I nearly fell over! In less than two seconds I was completely soaked. And to make things worse I was a six seconds walk away from the house. Of course it was more of a crawl away because it was raining so hard. So 30 agonizing years (sorry…seconds) later I emerged more soaked than ever, but in one piece at the front porch.
Sadly, I couldn't go inside because “someone” had locked me out. (When I get my hands on him I’ll…) but that’s beside the point. I knew there was a back door left open… But that was practically a hundred miles in rain years away… So I decided it was the best option at the moment. 
By the time I reached the back door I was in desperate need of dry clothes, or an umbrella at the least. I wish I could have seen the look on my mother’s face when I passed her in the hallway. Unfortunately water dripped into my eyes making it impossible to see any more detail than basic shapes. All I know is that I will never (never, never!) go outside again.... without first checking the weather. Well, look at the bright side! We had pancakes for dinner! (We always have pancakes on rainy days.)
The end

Noisy Nadia

That must be the shortest story I ever wrote actually... What was the funniest/most boring part to you? Please comment.
Noisy Nadia