Friday, 19 April 2013

And another story. (Don't worry! It's interesting)

Here is the third story in the "Crazy day series"... I think I'm on a roll! :)

Hazy day:

When I woke up this morning it was foggy, misty, cloudy, and hazy, outside. (Same thing I know.) But my parents still thought it was a good idea to order me outside to “get some fresh air”. So I slouched, head hanging down, and feet dragging, to the foggy outside world. After ten minutes I felt like I was drowning in all the mist! It looked almost like my vacation at the beach because the fog was forming little waves…

Yup. It was hazy. I was just about to slouch back inside when; I realized I had no idea where on earth I was
Brookesia micra. Isn't it cute?
(Even an idea the size of the Brookesia micra chameleon from Madagascar!) After stumbling around for about five minutes (It felt more like five years!) and getting nowhere, I decided to sit down. Right in a puddle. A deep puddle, no wait… The pool! Just when that thought hit me; “Slosh!”. I was submerged in Icy Cold water, right up to my neck. (Ouch. Quite a shock! I'm surprised I didn't freeze into a solid block of ice!)  At least I know where I am now…  I thought. But by the time I came out of the pool, shivering and sniffling, I had no idea where I was, or where I was going, until I walked into a tree! That’s going to leave a bruise…

So by now I was bruised, battered, soaking wet, and shivering like an Eskimo.
 I was just about to give up hope, when I heard a shout. I listened for a while… then I heard it again. It sounded like someone in just as much trouble as I was in. I slowly picked myself up from my slouching position on the ground and followed the shouting, which was getting louder. Then I walked into another tree, or so it seemed. But this tree said; “Ouch! Whatya do that for?” I was in a bit of a condition, so my reaction would have been a lot of things, including; “Huh?!’’ or “Who are you?” or a faint. But I didn't do any of those. Instead: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak! Mom!”

I really regret acting so loudly, crazily, bonkers… Anyways. Back to the story. “No need to panic little girl. I’m lost too.” said the gruff voice of the talking tree. No, it was a person, I think…  At least I was a little calmer now. “What are you doing in the garden?” I asked. (My voice was all shivery. Ann-oy-ing!) “I’m in a garden?” he (Well I assumed it was a he.) seemed just as surprised as me. “Yup.” Well I guess we were both lost… Then the haziness cleared, and what I saw in front of me was the biggest, ugliest, most terrifying man I have ever seen in my whole life! He was wearing clothes that looked like they came straight from the ice age! He looked like a caveman too, with bugs in his beard, mud in his hair, big grimy hands… etc. You get the idea. In that instant I got the idea that he was a CRAZY caveman. The important thing though, is that he was right in front of me! So now that it wasn’t so hazy I saw the way back to the house.

I took off at a speed that would make an Olympian proud, leaving the CRAZY caveman behind me. By the time I reached the house I was gasping for breath. I knocked on the door, but when my mom answered she must have seen something terrifying behind me because she screamed super loud! Then she grabbed a broom and started whacking me like crazy! “Mom, mom! What’s going on?” THEN I CAUGHT SIGHT OF MYSELF IN A WINDOW. I looked like the CRAZY caveman’s daughter! My mom was still trying to whack me, screaming all the way, time for action. “ Mom! Pull yourself together! It’s just me!” I tried to calm her. It worked. After she put the broom down and I wiped a few layers of mud off my face she let me in. I was never so happy to have a shower in my life! But that night I couldn't sleep, because I knew that… somewhere in my own garden, was the CRAZY caveman. Just waiting for me to come back…
The end

I hope you enjoyed that! I am thinking of writing another "Crazy day" story. Tell me if you would like to see that in the next blog... That was actually a lot of fun to write! LOL Noisy Nadia

Monday, 15 April 2013

Yay! Another story!

Well I wrote another story! It's the sequel for the last story (Crazy day.) I know it looks like it actually happened but it didn't. So don't worry about it.  :) 

Lazy day. (Sequel to “Crazy day”)

Well If anybody asked me what I was going to do today I would answer: “Oh… nothing.” Because that’s exactly what I plan to do… nothing. It’s going to be a typical lazy day. I just have one little problem. How do you do, nothing? Well to me doing nothing is sleeping, but that would be doing SOMETHING. No, I have to do nothing. The second thing that comes to mind is TV. You don’t think very much when you’re curled up on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn in one hand, and the remote in the other staring at a blaring screen. But that is also doing something… It was then that I realized there is no way to do nothing. (Unless I was dead… But there is no way I’m going to hurl myself off a building.)

 So I decided on the next best thing; doing very little.
 So on goes the TV, as I’m sitting on the couch doing (Almost) nothing… in comes my little brother, carrying a big glass of coke.
 At first I don’t pay much attention to him, but as he comes near the TV he stumbles, trips, and then, as if in Slow-motion his coke flies through the air. You can guess the rest. Imagine it in perfect High-definition, in glorious slo-mo, full screen. The first drop lands on the TV set, you can almost hear the static! As the rest of the fizzy drink splashes unceremoniously onto the TV, the wires fizz, then with a big “POOOOF!!!” The screen flickers one last time, and dies. 
The next thing I know, the room is covered in thick green smoke pouring out of the TV. The smoke is so thick I could cut through it with a butter knife! Then of all the bad things to happen; the power goes out. So now I’m in complete darkness, surrounded by a choking cloud of smelly, green, smoke, my brother crying on the other side of the room. A girl’s worst nightmare!  What do I do? I panic of course! Then, (For some crazy reason!) the smoke detector activates (No I have no idea why. Maybe it’s battery operated?) And I’m getting soaked! I don’t know how I managed it but I somehow stumbled my way to my brother, and then guided him to the door, the door led to the living room.

Boy, you should have seen my parent’s faces as I practically fell into the room with my brother at my side, surrounded by thick smoke, soaked to the skin, and gasping for breath and choking. “What did you do this time?” they asked. Nope, just kidding: “What on Earth happened?!” asked my mom (For real). So I tell them the whole story. After the power came back on, I took a shower and helped clean up the TV room (Not an easy task.). After we did that my dad took one look at the TV and said, “No more pocket money for a year!” Sigh. Well, I decided I might as well continue doing nothing. So I switched on my laptop, just as I’m settling down to chat with one of my friends on Gmail, my Sister comes in unnoticed with a fizzy drink…

I hope that was entertaining! LOL Noisy Nadia

Friday, 12 April 2013

Embarrassing moments.

In a bad day I have at least 5 embarrassing moments! But  I broke the record on THIS  day...

I woke up, got out of bed, got dressed, ate, and then poof! My dad's in my ear saying it's time to wake up! It's time for school! ("It better be worth getting up twice for..." I thought sourly...

 I read all the Anatomy work for school, then my mom asks me the one thing I didn't know! 
 I went skipping down a hallway and about halfway through I go into a slo-mo stumble, face-plant!!! Ouch. (Against a door)

I knew I had a science test coming up but I thought it was next week. Then my dad asks me if I'm ready for the test Tommorow. (OOPS)

In the evening I went rollerskating with my family. I come to a huge hill, I went down the hill with a bad speed-wobble! So I shout extra loud and (Surprise surprise) I get weird stares.

So then I played some football (soccer) with the family in some flimsy shoes. Twice while kicking the ball, a shoe flew overhead, flying at altitudes of at least 5 meters! This fact was made worse by the couple sitting nearby and two men on a bench. All watching intently. (Gee)

Just when I thought nothing more could happen that day, I was supposed to wait 5 minutes for the shower, but because I was studying for the test and writing this blog, I ended up waiting 25 minutes instead.

Well, if nobody likes this post then that WOULD be real embarrassing...
LOL Nosy Nadia (I meant Noisy. Aaaarg!) 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

40 random habits:

For some reason I have a habit of posting long lists... (This is going to be a looong list!) :

  1. Making lists. (Hahaha. I can compare)
  2. Eat the bread crust first. Then eat the bread.
  3. Pull a scrunched up face when concentrating really hard.
  4. Only talk using words with 5 letters.
  5. Bite people when bored.
  6. Nail biting. (All time classic!)
  7. Not throwing ANYTHING away.
  8. Deleting an email as soon as you read it and replied. Inbox MUST always be empty!
  9.  Xylophagia = Eating wood. (Eating wood. I'm a pencil chewer but I've never eaten a pencil!)
  10. Pica = Eating something that is NOT a food! (As in the one above.)
  11. Always being on the spot on time. Not a minute too early or a minute too late.
  12. Slouching
  13.  The bed HAS to be made before going to sleep. Even if it was messy all day.
  14. Read 3 or more books at a time. 
  15. Leaving the best for last.
  16. Don;'t like typing on the bottom of a page. (or writing)
  17. Everything has a PLACE! So keep it there!
  18. Like a song? Listen to it till you memorize the words!
  19. Like the smell of dusty towels.
  20. Every time you see a electric keyboard you just HAVE to try it out!
  21. Finishing other people's sentences!
  22. Unable to study/concentrate without background noise. Silence is VERY distracting.
  23. Talking to yourself.
  24. Talk way too much
  25. Repeating everything you say.
  26. Repeating everything you say.
  27. Chewing with mouth open.
  28. Asking someone if you can ask them a question.
  29. Chewing gum loudly
  30. Writing in the air.
  31. Cracking your fingers.
  32. Talking with a mouth full of food.
  33. Randomly shout "Corn Flakes!" in the middle of a sentence. Then say you didn't.
  34. Saying: "Just kidding!" when you're not really kidding.
  35. Organizing skittles according to color. Eating them according to amount. 
  36. Randomly laughing.
  37. Watching the way people walk.
  38. Crossing arms behind your back instead of in front. 
  39. Wearing unmatched socks. 
  40. Checking emails every 20 minutes.
Well that was hard. Hopefully it's not too boring! :)
LOL Noisy Nadia ( < Saying that at the end of each blog is my habit.)

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

An eventful April fools day...

This was not easy...
Spider web prank.
My own handiwork. : )
Green food coloring
in the toilet freaks most
people out...
Green eggs and ... liver.

Well let me just say that this was an eventful 1st April... You know how they say a picture paints a thousand words... Check out these pics of my day (gee... sorry about the picture alignment. I tried and failed miserably to get them in the right positions... looks like writing a blog is harder than I thought...): LOL Noisy Nadia
Pink pasta... And white- er green sauce.