Once there was a girl called Susan. She had always liked to listen to music.She especially liked listening to it when it was heard throughout the house. Any kind of music was fine with her, in fact, when she didn't listen to music for at least a week, she got very ill. This was often the case, because she lived with parents who didn't like music at all. When she went to school she always heard background music. Like during announcements, or someone walking past whistling, or humming, or playing music on their devices. Whenever she got sick she had no idea why it happened... until one fateful day. She was lying in bed with a fever again when someone next door played music very loudly in their room. Before she (or her mother) knew what was happening she was up and about dancing around her room on tippy toes. When

Dear mom and dad: I noticed that you have to shout to communicate with me now. I have an idea that it might be the headphones causing it. Maybe if you let me play music aloud in the house it will stop. Signed. Susan.
Her parents who both had sore voices from shouting to be heard all the time, agreed. Then her hearing was miraculously back in working order. From then on she always played music when she got home. After a while her parents loved music just as much as Susan! And they listened to music happily ever after. THE END.
Whew! OK. Well it's not exactly a very long or complicated story but at least I can post in my blog again! Hopefully next time I have a better idea of what to post. LOL Noisy Nadia