Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Kringamay! (That happy feeling)

Well you must be wondering what this funny word means, well guess what? A friend and I made it a goal to put our very own word in the dictionary! So here's it's meaning:
Kringamay: A (or, That) sudden surge of happiness.

I had to look up a lot of things to make sure this word doesn't already exist, then had to see if there was a word describing a sudden surge of happiness! (I'll bet there is something close to that happy feeling but- hey! It's a new word. )
You can use it like:

1. I feel kringamay!

2. Kringamay just hit me!

3. Sorry,I've got kringamay!

Noisy Nadia

(PS: I know it's a long-ish word, but please! I want to see that word in a dictionary one day!)

Saturday, 10 August 2013


Sorry for not posting for a while... And I hope you are not unbelievably disappointed by this post. Here goes:
This is what happens when I try to write poetry...

Jogging in the park one day,
That is when I saw the stray
All alone and looking sad
I couldn't help but feel real bad!
So then I asked that dog
Why not join my jog?
She agreed and came along
That is when a ghastly pong
Hit me and it smelled all wrong!
Suddenly I looked here
I looked there
What I saw gave me a scare!
I looked right into a glare,
Meant for me…
By a bug, and a slug, and… nothing more sorry.
The end

Noisy Nadia

Friday, 5 July 2013

Snacky day(5)

Wow! The 5th story? Boy I'm going crazy! But here it is:

Snacky day!

I was hungry. Seriously, it was horrible! Everywhere you looked; the fridge, cookie jar, cupboard… empty! The only thing left to eat, was a twenty year old piece of stale bread that eventually got so moldy that no one wanted to throw it away! (In case they got some rare disease by touching it… or even inhaling the fumes!) Then came the good news! My mom was going shopping in an hour! Not at the local grocery store either.  At the giant, full-of-food mall! And guess what? I could go along! Well I would normally not volunteer. But I was thinking of a favorite food all morning. Something that starts with a d and has a neat hole straight through the middle! It’s got chocolate, or sprinkles for topping… and it’s just the greatest! You probably know what I’m thinking of. Doughnuts! My quest was to make sure my mom kept the solemn oath (In which she crossed her heart and hoped to die. And pinkie-promised) to buy doughnuts for the family. So the next thing I know, we’re on our way to the giant full-of-food mall! Surprisingly my sister came along too.

So first we messed around with the shopping-carts, putting our favorite (but most expensive) foods in. Then (when mom looked our direction) putting the items back. Of course it got boring after a while, so we took to hide-and-seek behind the shelves, around corners, even inside a basket of giant stuffed teddy bears! The possibilities were endless! I even found my sister concealed inside a refrigerator that was on display! Of course I wouldn't have found her if someone else hadn't screamed short and sharp as they opened the fridge door. It was so funny! Some store clerks were annoyed by our constant giggling as we discovered each other in wacky places, or counted out-loud disturbing other customers. In the end our mom was called and told to make us stop all this “immature behavior”.  

Oh well. She told us to stay close to the shopping carts, not to let go of them or to leave them somewhere that no one would find them again. Of course this sent our imaginations into overdrive, we had to do something! Then one of us (I’m not quite sure who) came up with the brilliant idea that changed the course of the day! If you haven’t thought of it by now you have probably never been in quite the circumstance I was in… Shopping-cart racing!

Well up and down the aisles we go! Dodging people by exactly 2 mm! I was winning too! Then we had a great surprise! (And I mean SURPRISE!) Some of our crazy friends were there! The reason I called them “crazy” is of course because they loved doing crazy things, for example shopping-cart racing. Before you could say “doughnuts” we were a pretty big competition. Everyone was dodging out of our way, and we were all trying to take shortcuts. What was the finish line? The doughnuts of course!

Now as I reached what felt like 40 miles per hour I looked to my right; saw my sister next to the sardines, looked left; saw my crazy friends with a totally bonkers look of… fear? Yup fear, you could see they were totally scared. I looked right again, my sister was wearing the same expression of mortal terror. Then she shouted: “OH NOOO!  CHHHIIIIPPPSSS!!!!!”  (Now you must be thinking: “Chips?! Did she just say chips?”  Yup, me too.) I looked up ahead. I could see why they were scared! About 5 meters in front of us was a mountain (well it seemed like a mountain) of Lays chips. The only thing keeping them from falling in all directions was some cling-wrap.

Then the world seemed to go into slow motion. I observed that there was no way to dodge it and decided to say my last words before being grounded for life… I looked to both sides and said a last, final, and sad goodbye. Then the slow-motion stopped working and- “Bang!!!!!!”  All the air inside those chips packets saved us, but now the entire mall was looking at us.

Oh here comes my mom… she looks angry. Oh no. Not good, I guess I can forget about doughnuts. I guess it's made worse by the fact that the entire mall is covered in little 'chip snowflakes'... ”

It all went downhill from there. I didn't even know who won! We had to pay for all the damage and I can’t have pocket money for months! The only bright side is that my mom kept her promise and brought doughnuts anyways! (And I got an awesome picture of our crazy friends and my sister shopping-cart racing!) Oh well, next time I think we'll try acting normal… even though I won't be able to do that for long. 

The end

What can I say? I was hungry when I wrote this!
LOL Noisy Nadia

Friday, 28 June 2013

5 things I learned from owning a dog. (So far)

I probably only had the privilege to look after our little dachshund puppy for about 2  weeks. But I feel I already learned some things from the experience. (And plenty more things are going to be learned in the years to come.) So I made a little list:

1.  Watch your step! (Yup. The most important lesson of them all!)

2. Leave nothing to chance! (If the dog starts sniffing around. You have to run for it!)

3. Make sacrifices (Nothing like a day out of the house. But for the first few weeks of owning a puppy, you would have to sacrifice a little "out of the house" time.)  :(

4. Pick up your feet, when sitting down. (If there's one thing you don't want is chewed up shoes, as well as toes.)

5. Also watch where you sit. (There's nothing worse than sitting on your own pet. I mean they trusted you!)

Well. I know that was short. But it's all I could come up with for right now (Did I mention how puppies never seem to tire?) ... Keep checking the blog for more updates! (And don't think I'm saying this with a very serio
us face.)

Well. It also rained a lot since it's monsoon... so I have a joke:

First person: "It's raining cats and dogs!"
Second person: "I know. I just stepped in a poodle!"

Noisy Nadia

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Wacky day! My fourth story in the series!

I'm so sorry! I know it's been a while... And yes. It's another story. Lets just read it shall we? The image? A chocolate keyboard! You know because I'm a writer? Get it? Oh never mind.

Wacky day!

When I woke up this morning I could tell, it was going to be a wacky day! How did I know? There were two signs (the first being the most obvious); my entire room was covered from top to bottom, left to right, three hundred and sixty degrees around in…  chocolate smears. The second sign was of course… my little brother leaning over me, with a big grin plastered all over his face, and the slight hint of chocolaty breath. (No surprise there.) Now a normal person’s reaction might be: “Aaaak! What did you do to my room! Get out! Get out!” But I wouldn’t do that, since I'm NOT a normal person
My first reaction was of course to stick out a finger and lick some chocolate off it. Then I realized that now I might have to clean up all of the chocolate. So I was like: “Yay! Chocolate all over! Chocolate all over!” and I danced around on tippy toes. Of course who else would come in at that moments but my mom. Her reaction as you can imagine (What is with all the reactions in this story?) was: “What. Did. You. Do?!”
 She had no mercy as I tried to explain this situation to her… it didn't end well. But how lucky could I get? I mean the walls could have been covered in something else… 
You must be wondering; "What happened to your brother?” Well let me just say he ran and hid somewhere no one would ever find him. Ever. Again.

So by the time I had the whole mess cleaned up (And my face covered in chocolaty goodness.) it was around 2:30 in the afternoon. Some people might have been taking a nap or reading a book then. But not me!  I noticed it was nice outside and decided to take a walk in the garden. I was walking very peacefully on the lawn when, “BOOM!” I heard a deafening clap of thunder and saw a huge bolt of lightning zigzagging across the sky! Then, (you guessed right) it started raining. The rain didn't start like it normally would, not a little drizzle that slowly built up. It was more like- “SLOSH!” and suddenly it’s pouring down so hard I nearly fell over! In less than two seconds I was completely soaked. And to make things worse I was a six seconds walk away from the house. Of course it was more of a crawl away because it was raining so hard. So 30 agonizing years (sorry…seconds) later I emerged more soaked than ever, but in one piece at the front porch.
Sadly, I couldn't go inside because “someone” had locked me out. (When I get my hands on him I’ll…) but that’s beside the point. I knew there was a back door left open… But that was practically a hundred miles in rain years away… So I decided it was the best option at the moment. 
By the time I reached the back door I was in desperate need of dry clothes, or an umbrella at the least. I wish I could have seen the look on my mother’s face when I passed her in the hallway. Unfortunately water dripped into my eyes making it impossible to see any more detail than basic shapes. All I know is that I will never (never, never!) go outside again.... without first checking the weather. Well, look at the bright side! We had pancakes for dinner! (We always have pancakes on rainy days.)
The end

Noisy Nadia

That must be the shortest story I ever wrote actually... What was the funniest/most boring part to you? Please comment.
Noisy Nadia

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A rhyme story

Ok. I know the title sounds boring, plus, it's been more than a week since I posted something (Gasp!), but boy has it been BUSY around here!
I volunteered for a camp that my church has every year (Which I am now too old to join!), and I also took on the piano. Which might not sound like much... but I have a lot of other hobbies as well. So there's my excuse for not posting... Lets get to the good part! My funny story, told in rhyme:

The fan above my head, was still, and dead.
I lay silent staring from my bed.
Why oh why couldn't I sleep?
It was so bad I could almost weep!
But then I realised I felt warm,
and mosquitoes were coming at me in a swarm!
So I slapped on some poison that won't harm me at all.
I turned up the fan and got pressed against a wall!
Now I was squished, squashed, and also slightly choking!
Oh just great, you have got to be joking!
Either way things looked bad.
But did I panic? No. Just felt sad.
Because tomorrow was school....
...and no sleep for a night is totally UN-cool!


I hope that was funny...
Noisy Nadia

Thursday, 2 May 2013

10 things I do when I don't blog:

Here is another list. Sorry. I had to post something. Besides I was busy with the stuff on this list:

  1. Guitar (A HUGE time consumer. So much fun!)
  2. Programming (I'm trying to program a game)
  3. Making useless lists.
  4. Checking emails
  5. Playing violin
  6. crossing out stuff
  7. Sigh... school
  8. Watch Youtube videos of astronauts in space
  9. Study the Bible
  10. Read
  11. And of course... Hoping to learn a hundred other time-consuming things.
LOL Noisy Nadia
(PS: At least it was a short list)

Friday, 19 April 2013

And another story. (Don't worry! It's interesting)

Here is the third story in the "Crazy day series"... I think I'm on a roll! :)

Hazy day:

When I woke up this morning it was foggy, misty, cloudy, and hazy, outside. (Same thing I know.) But my parents still thought it was a good idea to order me outside to “get some fresh air”. So I slouched, head hanging down, and feet dragging, to the foggy outside world. After ten minutes I felt like I was drowning in all the mist! It looked almost like my vacation at the beach because the fog was forming little waves…

Yup. It was hazy. I was just about to slouch back inside when; I realized I had no idea where on earth I was
Brookesia micra. Isn't it cute?
(Even an idea the size of the Brookesia micra chameleon from Madagascar!) After stumbling around for about five minutes (It felt more like five years!) and getting nowhere, I decided to sit down. Right in a puddle. A deep puddle, no wait… The pool! Just when that thought hit me; “Slosh!”. I was submerged in Icy Cold water, right up to my neck. (Ouch. Quite a shock! I'm surprised I didn't freeze into a solid block of ice!)  At least I know where I am now…  I thought. But by the time I came out of the pool, shivering and sniffling, I had no idea where I was, or where I was going, until I walked into a tree! That’s going to leave a bruise…

So by now I was bruised, battered, soaking wet, and shivering like an Eskimo.
 I was just about to give up hope, when I heard a shout. I listened for a while… then I heard it again. It sounded like someone in just as much trouble as I was in. I slowly picked myself up from my slouching position on the ground and followed the shouting, which was getting louder. Then I walked into another tree, or so it seemed. But this tree said; “Ouch! Whatya do that for?” I was in a bit of a condition, so my reaction would have been a lot of things, including; “Huh?!’’ or “Who are you?” or a faint. But I didn't do any of those. Instead: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak! Mom!”

I really regret acting so loudly, crazily, bonkers… Anyways. Back to the story. “No need to panic little girl. I’m lost too.” said the gruff voice of the talking tree. No, it was a person, I think…  At least I was a little calmer now. “What are you doing in the garden?” I asked. (My voice was all shivery. Ann-oy-ing!) “I’m in a garden?” he (Well I assumed it was a he.) seemed just as surprised as me. “Yup.” Well I guess we were both lost… Then the haziness cleared, and what I saw in front of me was the biggest, ugliest, most terrifying man I have ever seen in my whole life! He was wearing clothes that looked like they came straight from the ice age! He looked like a caveman too, with bugs in his beard, mud in his hair, big grimy hands… etc. You get the idea. In that instant I got the idea that he was a CRAZY caveman. The important thing though, is that he was right in front of me! So now that it wasn’t so hazy I saw the way back to the house.

I took off at a speed that would make an Olympian proud, leaving the CRAZY caveman behind me. By the time I reached the house I was gasping for breath. I knocked on the door, but when my mom answered she must have seen something terrifying behind me because she screamed super loud! Then she grabbed a broom and started whacking me like crazy! “Mom, mom! What’s going on?” THEN I CAUGHT SIGHT OF MYSELF IN A WINDOW. I looked like the CRAZY caveman’s daughter! My mom was still trying to whack me, screaming all the way, time for action. “ Mom! Pull yourself together! It’s just me!” I tried to calm her. It worked. After she put the broom down and I wiped a few layers of mud off my face she let me in. I was never so happy to have a shower in my life! But that night I couldn't sleep, because I knew that… somewhere in my own garden, was the CRAZY caveman. Just waiting for me to come back…
The end

I hope you enjoyed that! I am thinking of writing another "Crazy day" story. Tell me if you would like to see that in the next blog... That was actually a lot of fun to write! LOL Noisy Nadia

Monday, 15 April 2013

Yay! Another story!

Well I wrote another story! It's the sequel for the last story (Crazy day.) I know it looks like it actually happened but it didn't. So don't worry about it.  :) 

Lazy day. (Sequel to “Crazy day”)

Well If anybody asked me what I was going to do today I would answer: “Oh… nothing.” Because that’s exactly what I plan to do… nothing. It’s going to be a typical lazy day. I just have one little problem. How do you do, nothing? Well to me doing nothing is sleeping, but that would be doing SOMETHING. No, I have to do nothing. The second thing that comes to mind is TV. You don’t think very much when you’re curled up on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn in one hand, and the remote in the other staring at a blaring screen. But that is also doing something… It was then that I realized there is no way to do nothing. (Unless I was dead… But there is no way I’m going to hurl myself off a building.)

 So I decided on the next best thing; doing very little.
 So on goes the TV, as I’m sitting on the couch doing (Almost) nothing… in comes my little brother, carrying a big glass of coke.
 At first I don’t pay much attention to him, but as he comes near the TV he stumbles, trips, and then, as if in Slow-motion his coke flies through the air. You can guess the rest. Imagine it in perfect High-definition, in glorious slo-mo, full screen. The first drop lands on the TV set, you can almost hear the static! As the rest of the fizzy drink splashes unceremoniously onto the TV, the wires fizz, then with a big “POOOOF!!!” The screen flickers one last time, and dies. 
The next thing I know, the room is covered in thick green smoke pouring out of the TV. The smoke is so thick I could cut through it with a butter knife! Then of all the bad things to happen; the power goes out. So now I’m in complete darkness, surrounded by a choking cloud of smelly, green, smoke, my brother crying on the other side of the room. A girl’s worst nightmare!  What do I do? I panic of course! Then, (For some crazy reason!) the smoke detector activates (No I have no idea why. Maybe it’s battery operated?) And I’m getting soaked! I don’t know how I managed it but I somehow stumbled my way to my brother, and then guided him to the door, the door led to the living room.

Boy, you should have seen my parent’s faces as I practically fell into the room with my brother at my side, surrounded by thick smoke, soaked to the skin, and gasping for breath and choking. “What did you do this time?” they asked. Nope, just kidding: “What on Earth happened?!” asked my mom (For real). So I tell them the whole story. After the power came back on, I took a shower and helped clean up the TV room (Not an easy task.). After we did that my dad took one look at the TV and said, “No more pocket money for a year!” Sigh. Well, I decided I might as well continue doing nothing. So I switched on my laptop, just as I’m settling down to chat with one of my friends on Gmail, my Sister comes in unnoticed with a fizzy drink…

I hope that was entertaining! LOL Noisy Nadia

Friday, 12 April 2013

Embarrassing moments.

In a bad day I have at least 5 embarrassing moments! But  I broke the record on THIS  day...

I woke up, got out of bed, got dressed, ate, and then poof! My dad's in my ear saying it's time to wake up! It's time for school! ("It better be worth getting up twice for..." I thought sourly...

 I read all the Anatomy work for school, then my mom asks me the one thing I didn't know! 
 I went skipping down a hallway and about halfway through I go into a slo-mo stumble, face-plant!!! Ouch. (Against a door)

I knew I had a science test coming up but I thought it was next week. Then my dad asks me if I'm ready for the test Tommorow. (OOPS)

In the evening I went rollerskating with my family. I come to a huge hill, I went down the hill with a bad speed-wobble! So I shout extra loud and (Surprise surprise) I get weird stares.

So then I played some football (soccer) with the family in some flimsy shoes. Twice while kicking the ball, a shoe flew overhead, flying at altitudes of at least 5 meters! This fact was made worse by the couple sitting nearby and two men on a bench. All watching intently. (Gee)

Just when I thought nothing more could happen that day, I was supposed to wait 5 minutes for the shower, but because I was studying for the test and writing this blog, I ended up waiting 25 minutes instead.

Well, if nobody likes this post then that WOULD be real embarrassing...
LOL Nosy Nadia (I meant Noisy. Aaaarg!) 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

40 random habits:

For some reason I have a habit of posting long lists... (This is going to be a looong list!) :

  1. Making lists. (Hahaha. I can compare)
  2. Eat the bread crust first. Then eat the bread.
  3. Pull a scrunched up face when concentrating really hard.
  4. Only talk using words with 5 letters.
  5. Bite people when bored.
  6. Nail biting. (All time classic!)
  7. Not throwing ANYTHING away.
  8. Deleting an email as soon as you read it and replied. Inbox MUST always be empty!
  9.  Xylophagia = Eating wood. (Eating wood. I'm a pencil chewer but I've never eaten a pencil!)
  10. Pica = Eating something that is NOT a food! (As in the one above.)
  11. Always being on the spot on time. Not a minute too early or a minute too late.
  12. Slouching
  13.  The bed HAS to be made before going to sleep. Even if it was messy all day.
  14. Read 3 or more books at a time. 
  15. Leaving the best for last.
  16. Don;'t like typing on the bottom of a page. (or writing)
  17. Everything has a PLACE! So keep it there!
  18. Like a song? Listen to it till you memorize the words!
  19. Like the smell of dusty towels.
  20. Every time you see a electric keyboard you just HAVE to try it out!
  21. Finishing other people's sentences!
  22. Unable to study/concentrate without background noise. Silence is VERY distracting.
  23. Talking to yourself.
  24. Talk way too much
  25. Repeating everything you say.
  26. Repeating everything you say.
  27. Chewing with mouth open.
  28. Asking someone if you can ask them a question.
  29. Chewing gum loudly
  30. Writing in the air.
  31. Cracking your fingers.
  32. Talking with a mouth full of food.
  33. Randomly shout "Corn Flakes!" in the middle of a sentence. Then say you didn't.
  34. Saying: "Just kidding!" when you're not really kidding.
  35. Organizing skittles according to color. Eating them according to amount. 
  36. Randomly laughing.
  37. Watching the way people walk.
  38. Crossing arms behind your back instead of in front. 
  39. Wearing unmatched socks. 
  40. Checking emails every 20 minutes.
Well that was hard. Hopefully it's not too boring! :)
LOL Noisy Nadia ( < Saying that at the end of each blog is my habit.)

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

An eventful April fools day...

This was not easy...
Spider web prank.
My own handiwork. : )
Green food coloring
in the toilet freaks most
people out...
Green eggs and ... liver.

Well let me just say that this was an eventful 1st April... You know how they say a picture paints a thousand words... Check out these pics of my day (gee... sorry about the picture alignment. I tried and failed miserably to get them in the right positions... looks like writing a blog is harder than I thought...): LOL Noisy Nadia
Pink pasta... And white- er green sauce.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Some stuff to do when you're trying to kill time...

Well here I am, sitting in front of my computer, killing time. Since I'm so good at it I thought I might make a list for you...

  1. Blog. I just turned a noun into a verb.
  2. Turn nouns into verbs.
  3. Come up with your own personal catch phrase. Mine is: If your trying to kill time... why not make it rhyme?
  4. Write something.
  5. Make lists.
  6. Learn guitar. (If you have years of time to kill)
  7. Talk backwards.
  8. Bug someone.
  9. Make up a code.
  10. Make up a finger/hand language
  11. Fall asleep in front of the TV with a mouth full of popcorn.
  12. Marshmallow pizza!
  13. Send each friend on your contact list five emails with nothing but gibberish in it. See if they still want to be friends.
  14. Go on youtube and look up the Harlem Shake.
  15. Make your own Harlem shake.
  16. Bake some cupcakes but instead of sugar put salt in.
  17. Try a dance dare
  18. Randomly go up to someone you know and say "Hi (insert name)____ what's your name?"
  19. Or you could just go with the classic: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z !
  20. Call a pizza place and order a marshmallow pizza. Put down the phone. See if they manage it. :)
  21. Come up with a nickname for yourself. (Example: Noisy Nadia)
  22. Yawn out loud.
  23. Impersonate a Teletubby.
    Yawn. Go ahead.
  24. Sneak up behind a unsuspecting "victim", take your place behind him/her... then offer him/her a candy. If they refuse storm away in a huff. If they agree shout; "Hey! It's mine!".
  25.  ... Or you could just try scaring the person. 
  26. Try swatting at the fly that's been bugging you all day...
  27. Go outside and do the chicken dance in the street.
  28. Come up with ideas on how to kill time.
  29. Well that's the end of this post. Maybe the next one will be another story.. I kinda miss the stories. I wonder when I will post another one...
  30. Why am I still numbering what I write?
  31. It's driving me crazy!
  32. Aaaak! Stop!
  33. Oh no! I can't stop!
  34. Oh. There's the button I was looking for... never mind.
LOL Noisy Nadia

What a list!

Cute Easter Craft Ideas.

What we did for Easter (Using Acrylic paints, water paint works. You could also try markers) Oh. And of course you need eggs! :) = 

I named her Susan
A bunch of circles
A black egg?!
Loop the loop
A wooden egg. Looks real huh?
Very useful for upcoming April fools!

The "splatter" effect with a brush
 Looks cute huh? They make good decorations, but even better omelets! Bad Joke: What did the egg say to the dinosaur  Your supposed to be egg-stinct! LOL  Noisy Nadia

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

What is Holi all about?

Today I asked myself; what is Holi really about? (It's tomorrow so I might as well prepare) Holi as I know it is a colorful festival. Literally. Color all over the place. I'm too scared to even step out on the street on that day! I decided to Google Holi and found out these facts:

1. Holi is all about going crazy.

2. You get to squirt people with colored water that day and not worry about getting punched!

3. Holi = "Festival of colors"

4. Happens in February and March.

5. Celebrated mostly by Hindus. So I guess I'm privileged to experience it in a way...

6. To survive Holi: Buy a squirt gun!

7. Some say Holi is celebrated because Winter is turning to Spring. Others base it on a legend.

Whew. You may have noticed that I love making lists! I guess the images give you an idea of what people will look like walking down the street here Tommorow... 
LOL Noisy Nadia

(PS: I don't have a squirt gun... Aaaak!)

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Harmless April fools jokes. (Well most of them)

OK. I know the 1st of April is still a couple of weeks away, but I have some great (And harmless.) prank ideas. (Of course now my parents and sibling will probably know what to expect when they wake up on that fateful day.) So without further ado:

1. The coke joke:
 To do this you need an entire bottle of coke to "waste". And a "Mentos mint". 
Ok. So first off you have to take a needle and thread (Or some kind of thin rope)
and get the thread (Or thin rope) through the Mentos.
 Then you open the bottle and put the Mentos in the cap. Let the thread hang out. Close the cap (With the thread still hanging out.) 
So now you have a mentos in the cap. But you can't see it. 
Trim the rest of the thread and try to be around when somebody opens the bottle! Or you could try the thing on the right instead. :)

2. The easiest thing ever:
Put either some clear tape across a doorway. Or cling-wrap. Watch people walk into it.

3. The spider trap:
 You just need some wool for this one; Tie one end of the wool to (example) a nail in the wall.
String it all over. It will look a little like a spider web. If you want to you can make it sticky with honey or put some fake spiders in it. It's really very creepy to find a huge spider web in your room!

4.  In-betweens:
 For extra measure you could try putting a sticker on somebody's back without them realizing it.
 You could also try putting a post-it on their forehead in their sleep.
Another thing you could try is tearing up little papers and covering their room in it. But it makes most people feel really cheesed off so I wouldn't try it... 
OK. The last thing you should do is take a picture of your handy work!  

This is optional: 
1. Put something sticky in their shoes.
2. draw a mustache on their face in their sleep.
3. Dump a bucket of polystyrene balls over their head.

The ones not labeled "optional"  need to be done. It's just something you can't not do!

Remember not all jokes have to involve "traps". Sorry, last one: You could also sneak up behind the "victim" and burst a balloon over their head. A water balloon if the person has a strong sense of humor! 

Have a blast! LOL Noisy Nadia
(PS: Sorry I can't help it!: Super glue a coin to any surface. Watch people try to pick it up!)